B Foreign Case Law Germany: Bundesgerichtshof, Beschluss KZB 75/21, verkündet am 27. September 2022 [Award partially quashed for violating public policy due to the misapplication of core antitrust rules] - ASA Bulletin View B Foreign Case Law Germany: Bundesgerichtshof, Beschluss KZB 75/21, verkündet am 27. September 2022 [Award partially quashed for violating public policy due to the misapplication of core antitrust rules] by - ASA Bulletin B Foreign Case Law Germany: Bundesgerichtshof, Beschluss KZB 75/21, verkündet am 27. September 2022 [Award partially quashed for violating public policy due to the misapplication of core antitrust rules] 41 1 ASA Bulletin