The greatest challenge identified in the business registration regime in Ghana is the delays in obtaining the requisite permits, licences and certificates to enable one to commence business in Ghana. Research conducted under the Strategic Partnerships to Prevent and Fight Administrative Corruption in Ghana Project, (the ‘FSPPFACP’) reveals that these delays are primarily the root cause of administrative corruption in the business registration regime in Ghana (PEF, Feb. 2020. Research Report Identifying and Detailing the Cost Implications the Gaps, Delays and Other Inefficiencies. php/en/2015-11-04-19-46-07/pef-research-reports/item/ download/31_8f1e597e6b231bc2c38e0b94c6294864.). This article provides context and statistics to understand the cause of administrative corruption in the business licensing, permit and certification regime in Ghana. The article submits that the fight against administrative corruption in the business registration regime in Ghana will be a mirage unless it is targeted at eliminating unnecessary delays in the business registration regime. The article further makes recommendations on eliminating the delays in the business registration regime and on preventing and fighting administrative corruption in the business registration regime in Ghana through the effective implementation and use of service delivery charters and automation of services among others.