Case 8/77, Concetta Sagulo, Gennaro Brenca and Addelmadid Bakhouche. Preliminary ruling of 14 July 1977 on request of the Amtsgericht, Reutlingen. (1977) ECR 1495 - Common Market Law Review View Case 8/77, Concetta Sagulo, Gennaro Brenca and Addelmadid Bakhouche. Preliminary ruling of 14 July 1977 on request of the Amtsgericht, Reutlingen. (1977) ECR 1495 by - Common Market Law Review Case 8/77, Concetta Sagulo, Gennaro Brenca and Addelmadid Bakhouche. Preliminary ruling of 14 July 1977 on request of the Amtsgericht, Reutlingen. (1977) ECR 1495 15 2 Common Market Law Review