This article provides an account of how the Covid-19 outbreak and its impact on the banking sector were tackled in the European Union. The Covid-19 crisis is the first economic crisis after the enactment of the regulatory reforms of the last decade and represents the first relevant test for the assessment of their effectiveness in particular in the Eurozone. The analysis focuses specifically on the new framework for Banking Supervision in the Euroarea, the Single Supervisory Mechanism within the Banking Union, and explains how ECB Banking Supervision reacted to the economic and financial shock generated by the Covid-19 outbreak until the end of 2020.
In this context, the article discusses the ECB’s policy interventions within the wider European and international context where also significant initiatives from the central bank side of the ECB, the European Commission, the European Banking Authority, the European Systemic Risk Board, the EU co-legislators and the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision took place.1 The Article also analyses the potential limitations of the existing European framework for crisis management, should a further severe shock with new waves of infections and lockdowns require extraordinary policy interventions.
The article is divided into 4 sections: section A sets the scene and briefly describes the unprecedented economic shock deriving from the outbreak of the virus followed by the various measures of containment and lockdown. Section B analyses the various policy initiatives taken by ECB Banking Supervision to tackle the crisis within the wider European and international context. Section C discusses the potential use of the European framework for crisis management in the banking sector, should a further severe economic shock with ample repercussions on the banking sector materialise. Section D concludes.
European Business Law Review