The newly agreed operational rules for Frontex allows the Agency to, among other things, buy or lease its own equipment for missions and/or to do so in co-ownership with the Member States and to request national seconded staff for its operations. The new rules are a major step forward in further developing Frontex's resources. Yet this progress has not been matched, despite the Lisbon treaty's protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation, and in light of the defence budget cuts being made in many European Union (EU) Member States, when it comes to the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). This article asks why, given that each policy area is ultimately aimed at the defence and security of the EU, are the innovations that have been agreed for Frontex not equally applicable to CSDP? Why have Member States increased cooperation under Frontex without equivalent or similar progress under the CSDP? This article aims to shed light on the differences and similarities of the two policy domains in order to see if a 'Frontex formula' could be applicable to the CSDP
European Foreign Affairs Review