European Union has incrementally expanded its role in the field of disaster
risk management (DRM) since the late 1980s. This expansion has often been very
slow as states have regularly challenged the EU’s growing role in an area
traditionally seen as core Member-State business. Nevertheless, the increasing
inability of individual Member States to respond effectively to disasters led
to the establishment of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) in 2001.
The mechanism was significantly strengthened in 2019 with the establishment of
the rescEU operational reserve and again in 2021 as a response to the COVID-19
pandemic. This article assesses the development of EU responsibilities in the
field of DRM in the context of EU integration. In particular, it asks whether
increased risk from natural hazards is creating a new driver towards European
co-operation and integration. Will disasters, ironically, play a significant role
in ‘rescEU’ing the Union?