Digital sovereignty has become a buzz concept in framing countries’ ability to control and benefit from the digital economy. With the current speed of technological advancement, countries’ ability to innovate and develop enabling domestic digital ecosystems will determine which nations will reap the digital dividends and which will be pushed further into the periphery. In this article, we examine the distinct approaches adopted by the United States (US), China, and the European Union (EU). We elucidate the multifaceted dimensions of digital sovereignty, which encompasses, inter alia, regulatory frameworks; physical infrastructure, networks, and technology; and data governance. It is within this context that we explore the implications of these strategies on African countries, shedding light on the dynamics of influence and control in the digital realm. While African countries are entering an ongoing race, initiatives like the Digital Trade Protocol of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) provide impetus and opportunity. Specifically, to insulate themselves from outside influence and control and to collectively cultivate an African digital agenda that will propel the continent’s economic development and influence in the digital sphere.