Practical Considerations for Trade Remedies Disputes at the National And World Trade Organization Levels Part 4: How to Act in WTO Disputes on Trade Remedies - Global Trade and Customs Journal View Practical Considerations for Trade Remedies Disputes at the National And World Trade Organization Levels Part 4: How to Act in WTO Disputes on Trade Remedies by - Global Trade and Customs Journal Practical Considerations for Trade Remedies Disputes at the National And World Trade Organization Levels Part 4: How to Act in WTO Disputes on Trade Remedies 2 5
In this article, the author presents considerations of a practical nature that may be relevant in a WTO dispute on trade remedies. The author assumes the perspective of both an exporting country challenging a trade remedy and its related investigation, and an importing countrymaking the corresponding defence. These considerations are presented in accordance with the sequence of procedural steps that arise in a WTO dispute, including panel proceedings and appellate review.
Global Trade and Customs Journal