The purpose of this comparative overview is to provide an analysis of recent trends, issues and challenges in tripartism and industrial relations in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. One major difficulty in preparing such an overview has resulted from the great differences which exist in the various countries in the region. Changes in industrial relations which are affecting countries like Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia and Poland do not seem to have much in common with each other, while problems in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina are quite different from those in Slovakia or in Lithuania. In spite of such differences, however, there is indeed a certain degree of comparability which makes the exchange of views and experiences within this group of Central and Eastern European countries possible and useful. In order to make such a discussion meaningful, it is necessary in this report to concentrate on certain major problems and questions. Therefore, we will present in a succinct manner the issues which are characterising tripartism and labour management relations in the region.
International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations