The Seminar on value added tax (VAT) on Financial Services was the fifth part of the postgraduate course in advanced tax law Key Topics in European VAT, that was organized on 26 June 2010 at the Law Faculty of University of Lisbon by Instituto de Direito Económico Financeiro Fiscal (IDEFF). This seminar had a real ‘star cast’: Professor Dr Ben J. M. Terra and Dr Oskar Henkow from School of Economics and Management of the Lund University, Professor Dr Joachim Englisch from University of Münster and Dr Rita de la Feria from the Centre for Business Taxation, Oxford University. Even the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull was merely able to cause for postponement, rather than cancelling of this meeting between four of the best experts on VAT in Europe. In this meeting they shared their knowledge with the participants of the Seminar and the course Key Topics in European VAT – readers of INTERTAX can now access it too via this report.