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The International Federation of Consulting Engineers introduced the second edition of their Rainbow Suite of Contracts in December 2017 with the aim of achieving clarity, certainty and reducing disputes. The Conditions of Contract defined for the first time the words Claim and Dispute with same aim in mind. However, did Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) think through the process carefully enough and mitigate any possible repercussions arising out of defining the words Claim & Dispute and in the light of the introduction of a new claims’ procedure. How does this affect the termination of contract? Are there any serious repercussions resulting from these definitions and the claims process and if so, what are they? This article looks at all these issues by examining the definitions in detail using legally applicable interpretation principles. The paper then postulates a conclusion as to whether FIDIC’s professed aim of achieving clarity, certainty and reducing disputes is an achievable goal given the changes.