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International Encyclopaedia of Laws

The peer-reviewed monographs of the International Encyclopaedia of Laws (IELs), hundreds of which are currently available and many more projected, provide practical information and valuable insights into both national and international legal frameworks in 25 practice areas, written by over 1,200 leading experts from all over the world. Academics and practitioners who handle transnational matters will greatly appreciate each monograph’s clear explanation of distinct terminology and application of rules.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Civil Procedure

IEL Civil Procedure

In-depth descriptions and analysis of numerous domestic civil procedure systems.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Commercial and Economic Law

IEL Commercial and Economic Law

In-depth discussion of merchants’ status and obligations and of state intervention in economic activities.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Competition Law

IEL Competition Law

In-depth description of the antitrust laws of more than thirty jurisdictions.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Constitutional Law

IEL Constitutional Law

Thorough discussion of nationality and the legal position of foreigners, as well as fundamental rights and libertie.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Contracts

IEL Contracts

Incomparable brief guide to ‘the fine print’ in the world of contracts, both general principles and specific types.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Corporations and Partnerships

IEL Corporations and Partnerships

Convenient brief guides to company law in a wide variety of jurisdicti.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Criminal Law

IEL Criminal Law

Essential background knowledge for understanding the principles of criminal justice and criminal law procedure in a.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Energy Law

IEL Energy Law

Covers all aspects of energy regulation (production, exploitation, transport, distribution, consumption) in a wide .....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Environmental Law

IEL Environmental Law

Thorough description of each country’s environmental legislation and the role of governmental institutions in its d.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Family and Succession Law

IEL Family and Succession Law

Ideal guides for approaching complex family and succession law issues with a foreign element.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Insurance Law

IEL Insurance Law

Essential information and guidance on insurance law in a wide variety of jurisdictions, a separate monograph for ea.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Intellectual Property

IEL Intellectual Property

Conveniently available analysis of intellectual property matters, describing theory and practice in a large number .....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Intergovernmental Organizations

IEL Intergovernmental Organizations

Highly informative descriptions of the world’s major intergovernmental.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Labour Law

IEL Labour Law

Complete encyclopaedia provides unparalleled comprehensive information, insight, and guidance concerning the full s.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Media Law

IEL Media Law

Analysis of laws governing press freedom, access to information, defamation, and privacy in a wide variety of juris.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Medical Law

IEL Medical Law

The only set of publications in the field of medical law, analysing and describing theory and practice in a growing.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Migration Law

IEL Migration Law

Essential information and legal guidance concerning the legal and administrative conditions for persons not having .....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Privacy and Technology Law

IEL Privacy and Technology Law

Essential brief practical guides to law and regulation of information and communications technology (ICT), privacy .....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Private International Law

IEL Private International Law

First and only publications to provide comprehensive coverage of national laws on conflict of laws, now more common.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Property and Trust Law

IEL Property and Trust Law

Essential practical guide to handling cases involving real property, personal property, property rights, and trust .....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Religion

IEL Religion

Indispensable basic description of laws about religion in a wide variety of jurisdictions, a separate monograph for.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Social Security Law

IEL Social Security Law

Easy-to-understand but comprehensive description of social security schemes worldwide, a separate monograph for eac.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Sports Law

IEL Sports Law

Encompasses both autonomous and State-created rules regarding the economic, social, commercial, cultural, and polit.....

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Tort Law

IEL Tort Law

Overview of the practical implications of concurrence between tortious liability and contractual responsibility.

Comparative Law

Cover Image for IEL Transport Law

IEL Transport Law

Practical guide to law governing the various modes of transport in a wide variety of jurisdictions, a separate mono.....