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Francesca Palmiotto
Common Market Law Review
Volume 61, Issue 6 (2024) pp. 1633 – 1644
For a decade now, the CJEU has been complementing and indeed overwriting its long-standing functionalist approach to constitutionalism. Anew, a principled constitutionalism is emerging that draws from the first 19 articles of the EU Treaties and activates the potential of its constitutional core. Some consider this path a problematic example of judicial self-empowerment. By contrast, the article demonstrates that the CJEU’s new constitutionalism operationalizes two understudied choices of the LisbonTreaty. The authors of theTreaties gave Articles 1 to 19TEU a foundational role as the basic part of theTreaties, and toArticles 1, 2 and 3(1)TEU even that of a constitutional core. These choices suggest, indeed require, a principled interpretation to implement the new order of the Treaties and call for an engaged and proactive legal community to safeguard and develop the Union’s constitutional identity.
Common Market Law Review